Take your time to explore the map below. You will find all the restaurants that serve the best Birria tacos close to your current location. Click any of the locations on the map to see more information about the restaurant. You will find more details such as its operating hours, address, and the phone number of the management. Read Also: Breakfast Near Me.
Birria Tacos Restaurants Near Me
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5 Best Places to Eat Birria Tacos in the US
Below you will find some of the restaurants that serve the best birria tacos in the country. These are the top 5 places to eat Birria in the United States.
1. Taqueria y Birrieria Las Cuatro Milpas
It is surprising that some of the best birria tacos in the United States are found in Minneapolis. Taqueria y Birrieria Las Cuatro Milpas is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It serves the tastiest birria tacos from the Twin Cities. It is serving well balanced and delicious tacos dorados de birria, quesabirria and even the burrito and quesadillas. So, Minneapolis may be your first stop if you’re ever looking for some of the best Birria in the country.
2. Birria Ocotlan
Chicago is one of the cities in the United States that offers some of the tastiest birria. Diners agree that the best place to get the best birria in Chicago is Birria Ocotlan. Diners from all over the Windy City name it as the best spot because it serves high quality food at affordable prices.
3. Birrieria Las Marias
Birrieria Las Marias is an authentic Mexican restaurant that serves some of the best birria in the country. This location offers tacos that are completely stuffed with perfectly slow-cooked meat. Overall, the menu at this spot has everything you would want from a legendry Mexican restaurant. It is located in Phoenix, Arizona.
4. Birrieria Estilo Jalisco
Birrieria Estilo Jalisco offers some of the best-tasting food in the country. It is located on a humble block in Chicago and it is known to serve some of the most delicious birria in the country, the kind of birria that melts in your mouth.
5. Tacos y Birria La Única
Tacos y Birria La Única is also one of the restaurants that serve the best birria in the country. It serves the kind of birria tacos that are hot and crispy on the outside and juicy and delicious on the inside. This legendry restaurant is located in Los Angeles, California.